Safe Heritage Crest Academy (SHCA) is a citadel of Knowledge with 2 campuses, Primary and Secondary sessions. SHCA is established in a very conducive environment with good academic facilities, sporting facilities, Library facilities, ICT facilities, Music, Art, LEGO/Drone and Homemakers Laboratories.
The academic activities started on 6th May, 2016 by Mrs. Feyikemi Roseline Arolasafe, a seasoned business entrepreneur with passion for education.
Pupils and students are taught both academic and non-academic skills which gives them the tools to assume leadership roles in the society under the guidance of good, caring and passionate teachers.
The school operates a maximum of 20 pupils per class with a class teacher and well trained helper. It has a population of over 300 pupils (Aptil 2024 figure) and has capacity for a further 460 pupils and students.
The curriculum is based on the Nigerian Education System with Montessori infusion and other applicable standards that produce a well-rounded pupil.